Persona portfolio

(in about 138 words)

Personal Portfolio Website Ideation

The sole purpose of this website to display information about me, dividing the information into different channels I decided the sections to serve the purpose of this website.


  • Programming language: Javascript
  • Framework: React JS
  • Data & Pages: Markdown
  • Frontend: HTML & CSS
  • Hosted on - Github pages & IIT Delhi's private server
  • Code editor used: Visual Studio Code
  • Version and code management: Github
  • Website forked from:

Usability aspects

  • Compatibility across devices: ReactJS take care of different screen sizes and resolution
  • Ease of access: Flow is intuitive, industry standard nav-bar and font size used
  • Ease of edit: Working on backend is quite easy, only a markdown file needs to be created rest is assured in the code repo itself
  • Ease of deployment: With as low as 2 commands user can generate static website deployable to any server